Passover Dining Options

Kosher meals for Passover will be available from sundown on Saturday, April 12, through the evening of Sunday, April 20. The meals will be served during lunch and dinner while quantities last. 

To accommodate Passover Kosher guidelines, all lunch and dinner meals will be prepared in a Passover Kosher-certified kitchen in East Lansing, certified by Kosher Michigan. (Note: Our dining service locations have spent time Kashering our service areas and kitchen spaces where Passover for kosher food will be offered.) The Kosher items for Passover meals will be sourced from a local vendor, Woody’s Oasis, and delivered to each unit before the start of lunch and dinner service. Woody’s Oasis will also provide allergen signage for each meal at every location.  

Residential all-you-care-to-eat dining halls will also offer pre-packaged Kosher Passover items, including matzo crackers (GF), canned tuna, sliced cheese and sliced meats. Our retail dining locations will also provide a variety of Passover items from Woody’s Oasis.

For more information on our Kosher offerings, please visit our nutrition and allergen page.

Event Start Date:
Event End Date:
Event Point of Contact Name:
Culinary Services
Event Point of Contact Email:
Event Point of Contact Phone:
If you have questions, please contact us at 517-884-0660.